It is not necessary to deny another’s reality in order to affirm your own.
— Anne Wilson Schaef


Inclusive Belonging is the blog of native New Mexican, Heather Cummings. As a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE®) and global diversity and inclusion leader, she brings over 20 years of expertise. Through her education in diversity and inclusion, her professional experience as a diversity and inclusion leader, and her personal experiences she has furthered her advocacy work. She provides leadership, consulting, and training in diversity, equity, and inclusion on topics such as unconscious bias, employee engagement, intersectionality, inclusive language and practices, psychological safety and belonging, applying inclusive practices for cultural diversity, and building inclusive services. Working with organizations, Heather helps to assess existing practices around diversity and inclusion. Using formative and summative data, she works collaboratively to build data-driven action plans for areas such as diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, unconscious bias, inclusive climates, providing recommendations for next steps.

Heather believes the only true way to inclusion of diversity is through a sense of belonging, made possible by psychological safety. She builds collaborative teams based on a shared vision of trust, valuing the strength and insight each individual brings. She focuses on building partnerships with thought leaders that specialize in specific areas of diversity and inclusion, to bring a more well-rounded approach to belonging and inclusion.